The Lazy Man's Guide To Juicers

Being #1 in any category on Amazon is a big deal and that is why when we found
Out the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer is ranked #1 under Masticating
Juicers, it really got our attention.
Why is it the best choice for anyone searching for masticating juicers? What features
Does this have that others lack? If you're thinking of buying this juicer, then we're
Quite sure you also want to know the answers.
Will reveal all the information you want.

Want to learn more?
urgent question:
The Omega 8006, also referred to as the J8006 Nutrition Center is a low speed
juicer which processes at a rate of 80 rpm. High speed juicers can run as fast as
1000 rpm that's not always a great thing.

Oxidation can also take place, which means the juice will go bad quickly. With a
Masticating style juicer like the Omega 8006, you get the maximum amount of

Aside from being a juicer, this appliance can also be used to make nut butters,

Some say it's as silent as a ninja.
In the morning, using the Omega 8006 won't be a problem.
It doesn't produce foam in the juice. Juice foam is icky and we always try to avoid
it. Fortunately, with this juicer, you don't need to manage foam at all.

Which means you will get more juice from the same dimensions or volume of produce
In comparison to a centrifugal juicer. This machine does not only crush the ingredients
-- it also squeezes them to get a higher yield of juice.
It's multi-purpose. As mentioned earlier, it is not simply a juicer. It can also make nut

You will also appreciate the fact that it comes with a 15-year warranty. While some
Juicers only have 1 year warranties, you'll never have to worry if yours breaks

The product is quite durable and tough.
Watch the quick video below to see the Omega 8006 in action!

This cold press juicer is very easy to use. It works slow and steady. You'll first

Located at the back, together with the OFF and Reverse switches. Chop your veggies
and greens into 1 to 2 inch sizes, and cut your hard veggies and fruits into
quarters. Apples, carrots and other hard ingredients can be cut into 6s and 8s.
Feed the food inside the feeder (but don't push it).

A separate cup. Based on the quantity of ingredients you will use, juicing
Should take no more than a couple of minutes.
How to Clean the Omega J8006?
Cleanup is easy. First, you will need to make sure that the juicer is turned off and unplugged.
Then take the head off, and dis-assemble all its pieces. Use soap and
water to rinse them (there are 4 of them) and then wipe clean the metal screen.
You can also set them in the dishwasher, except for the filter. Cleanup should

What Do Reviews of the Omega 8006 Say?

What most of the customers liked
About this juicer is that it does a excellent job of crushing and pressing basically any
Ingredient that could fit into the chute.
The juice tastes great too because this machine works on them slowly, retaining
The taste of the ingredients. With the Perfect recipes, adults and even kids will enjoy
Juicing every day.
Many of those who purchased this product have also commented that the motor
is very reliable. Even with regular use, their juicer has not shown any signs of
The ease of cleanup is also one of the many things that they like about the J8006,
As it takes them only a few minutes to finish. For those who owned a
Centrifugal juicer before they bought this one, they are especially satisfied with how
Easy it is to wash the 8006.
Finally, the monster warranty has impressed many of those who bought this
juicer. While most juicers come with a 5 to 10 year warranty, they are nothing
In contrast to the Omega 8006's 15 year warranty.
But it's not without drawbacks.
The Omega J8006 reviews include the prep time which can take longer due to the
You'll have to cut large ingredients into much smaller
Pieces so that they can fit in the tube.

The customer service department of Omega hasn't been very useful in providing
Replacements or support to them.
juicers before they purchased this one, they complained that juicing takes too
How Can The Omega 8006 Compare?
Let's now do a side by side comparison of the Omega 8006 and its closest
Omega j8006 vs NC900
The NC900 is a 6th generation juicer so that it's a newer model. It's Also a masticating
juicer and employs a dual-stage extraction process working at a speed of 80 RPM.
But unlike the J8006, it has 5 adjustable settings.
You can make a variety of healthy snacks from it, and not just juices, nut butters
and baby food. It has 2 juicing screens and 6 nozzles. You'll also appreciate the
Larger feed chute as it means your prep time will be much shorter. It costs
around $50 higher than the J8006 though. But if it fits your budget, go for it.
Omega j8006 vs j8007
The J8007 is a 5th generation juicer. What makes it different from the J8006 is
That it is BPA free and it has steel parts (J8006 utilizes plastic parts/housing
For the 1st phase of the juicing process). It may be safe to say that it's more heavy
Duty compared to J8006. Surprisingly, it costs less than the older model if you buy it
on Amazon. If your budget is limited, this is a good option.
Omega j8006 vs j8008
The J8008 has a commercial grade motor and a beautiful chrome finish. While the
J8006 has 4 parts to clean, this one has 6. Additionally, it has a larger feed tube. But while
the J8006 is made in South Korea, this model is made in China. South Korea is
Known for superior manufacturing especially for juicer motors. Both come with a
15 year warranty which is the longest in the business.
They also have the same price. It's important to note that the Omega J8008 has a
4.7 star rating on Amazon (compared to the J8006's 4.6 rating). If you aren't
Worried about where this item was made, the J8008 may be a better option
than the J8006.
Omega j8006 vs NC800
With the NC800, you get a much larger feed chute which means prep time will be
shorter. The J8006 has a 1.5 diameter feed chute while the NC800 has an oval
chute that measures 2 inches by 1.5 inches. It has 5 adjustable settings and an
Adjustable end-cap so that you can control the pulp quantity in your juice.
If You're looking for a juicer with a large/wide chute, you're better off with the
NC800. It does cost higher than the J8006 though but the price difference is not
really that significant.
Omega j8006 vs VRT350
The Omega VRT350 is another popular juicer from precisely the exact same brand. But unlike the
8006 which has a horizontal design, the VRT350 HD has a vertical design. Both are
Masticating juicers with a speed of 80 RPM.
We think the VRT350HD is more suited for juicing wheatgrass and soft fruits,
While the 8006 is best for leafy greens and hard veggies and fruits (that you require
to slice into smaller pieces). It's also not capable of making nut butters, baby
Foods and mincing herbs which the J8006 can do effortlessly. The juice quality
With the VRT350 is great though. If you're only interested in juicing and you don't
Mind paying more, pick the VRT350.
Omega j8006 vs j8004
These are both dual masticating juicers that share the same features and
functions. The J8004 has a white housing while the J8006 is silver/chrome. If the
J8006 is way over your budget, get the J8004 that's cheaper.
Omega j8006 vs j8005
The Omega J8005 is a single gear masticating juicer in chrome and black. It's an
older model in the Omega 8000 series. The Same as the J8006 it can also function as a
grinder, food processor and homogenizer.
It costs much cheaper than the J8006 (the price difference is close to $100) but
It's been mentioned that the auger of the J8006 is considerably more durable and is able to
control the machine action better.
You may also expect it to last much longer, even though this isn't really guaranteed.
Again, your choice might well depend on your budget.
Omega j8006 vs Breville je98xl
The two major differences between these two juicers is that the Breville JE98XL is
a centrifugal juicer and it costs half the price of the J8006 from Omega. Many
Folks agree that the masticating juicer is much superior to the centrifugal type
Due to the quality of the juice and the nutrients it is able to retain.
But if you don't have the patience to cut and slice ingredients, or to wait for
The juicer to finish crushing and pressing them, then a centrifugal juicer like the
JE98XL might be more ideal.
Omega j8006 vs Breville 800jexl
The Breville 800JEXL is another centrifugal juicer and it has the same price as the
Omega J8006. Choosing between the two really depends on what you want out of
your juicer. If you are searching for a masticator, go with the Omega J8006. If you
want a high speed juicer, get the Breville 800JEXL.
Omega j8006 vs Breville bjs600xl
The Breville BJS600XL is a masticating slow juicer. It's about the same price as the
J8006 even though it is slightly larger and heavier. Additionally, it's not multifunctional
-- it's function is only to juice.
Many customers prefer the Omega J8006 over the BJS600XL from Breville
Due to the differences in their features. The 1-year limited warranty for the
Breville juicer is also a downer.
Omega j8006 vs Super Angel 5500
The Super Angel 5500 is an all stainless steel juicer with twin gears. It's also a
Masticating juicer and has been known to give superior excellent juice. It also
looks really nice. You get more juice from everything you put inside it too and just
like the Omega J8006 it can make nut butters and soy milk, among other things.
However, the Super Angel 5500 costs over a thousand dollars. It's plenty of money.
But if money is not a issue, you definitely can't go wrong with this one.
Where Can I Get Omega 8006 Replacement Parts?
The best place to buy Omega 8006 parts is on the manufacturer's website. You
can also check out eBay and Amazon which may carry some parts and accessories
for this juicer model.
If You're interested in buying it on Amazon, keep in mind they change prices
Quite regularly, therefore just ensure that you check on any given day.
Click here to check the Omega 8006 on Amazon and get the best price available
What's the Best Price For the Omega 8006 and Where Can I Buy It?
On the company's website, you can buy this juicer for $299.99. But you can
Get a much better price for it if you purchase it on Amazon which offers free
Shipping as well.
Verdict: Is This Juicer For You?
Being the #1 best selling masticating juicer on Amazon, it would be easy to
Conclude that this item is a good buy. However, it really depends on your
Reasons for buying a juicer.
If you want a masticating slow juicer, this one seems to meet most of the
Requirements -- it's easy to wash, easy to assemble, makes great tasting juices and
It has a very long warranty.
On the other hand, if you can't be bothered with long prep times and waiting for
several minutes for your juice to be ready -- then what you need is a centrifugal
Juicer like the Breville JE98XL that also happens to be the bestseller under this
Another option is to get a masticator with a bigger chute like the Omega NC800 or
NC900 Which Might cost a bit more but these juicers do cut down your prep time


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